We aim to make Additive Manufacturing widely available and to be the top place for identifying, qualifying and ordering 3D-printable items. We want to become the link between SMEs, large corporations, and the entire manufacturing sector.

Central to our mission is our groundbreaking AI-driven software, making it faster and more efficient to harness AM. By creating a large database of AM technologies and manufacturing networks, we drive the move from ideas to production and to process more AM business cases faster.

Photo Team SelectAM

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Our team

We are an international team of experienced AM experts, software developers, and business specialists

Portrait Niklas Kretzschmar, D.Sc.

Niklas Kretzschmar, D.Sc.

Managing Director & Co-Founder


Portrait Lukas Jakob Hafner

Lukas Jakob Hafner

CTO & Co-Founder


Portrait Eero Huotilainen, D.Sc.

Eero Huotilainen, D.Sc.

Data Expert & Co-Founder

Our advisors

Portrait Georg Bitarichvili, M.D.

Georg Bitarichvili, M.D.

Business Advisor

Managing Director Eco Scandic Oy

Portrait Iñigo Flores Ituarte, D.Sc.

Iñigo Flores Ituarte, D.Sc.

AM Advisor & Co-Founder

Industry Professor Digital Manufacturing

Portrait Kalle Lepola

Kalle Lepola

Business Advisor

Team lead Nordics Digital Mid-Market SAP

Recent news

Stay up to date with our latest updates

Image for Impact Chain project

Impact Chain project

SelectAM participates in the AM Impact Chain project
Image for SuperSaaS


SuperSaaS one-day accelerator
Image for StartUpWiseGuys accelerator

StartUpWiseGuys accelerator

SaaS accelerator in Bilbao

→ All news

Supported by

Logo Startup Wise Guys
Logo Maria 01
Logo Business Finland
Logo SelectAM

© 2024 SelectAM Oy
VAT: FI31626479

Crafted with ♥︎ in Helsinki